China Business Network (CBN): German elections
25 September 2017
Christian Odendahl speaks to China Business Network about the German elections.
China Business Network (CBN): German election results
25 September 2017
Sophia Besch speaks to China Business Network about the German election results (from 0.42).
Channel 4 News: The Brexit bill
21 September 2017
John Springford director of research at the Centre for European Reform speaks to Channel 4 News about the Brexit bill in advance of Theresa May's speech in Florence (from 21:10 mins).
BBC Newsnight: EU citizens rights
21 September 2017
John Springford, director of research at the Centre for European Reform speaks to BBC Newsnight about EU citizens rights in light of Brexit (from 7:10 mins)
CNBC: What could the next German government look like?
20 September 2017
Christian Odendahl, chief economist at the Centre for European Reform, discusses the formation of the next German coalition with CNBC live from Berlin.
LSE public lecture: A changing Germany in a changing Europe? The German elections and implications for Europe
14 September 2017
Christian Odendahl, chief economist at the Centre for European Reform joined the LSE to disuss the forthcoming elections in Germany have important implications for Germany, for Europe and international politics.
France Culture: Flexisécurité, Loi Hartz, Jobs Act : l’Europe à la recherche d’un modèle
04 September 2017
Christian Odendahl speaks to radio France Culture about the German Hartz reforms (in French, from 40.00 mins).
BBC Radio 4 Today: Brexit negotiations
01 September 2017
Charles Grant speaks to John Humphreys about the Brexit negotiations (from 1h 34m).
BBC World Service Newshour: How are the Brexit negotiations going?
31 August 2017
Veteran Europe watcher Charles Grant, Director of the Centre for European Reform, assesses the state of Brexit negotiations as the third round of talks ends.
Tok FM: The Brexit negotiations
31 August 2017
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska talks to Tok FM about the third round of Brexit negotiations.
The Express: Trump won't sign UK trade deal until President is certain Brexit will succeed
25 August 2017
The US President will be advised to wait before finalising a new trade deal with the UK after Brexit, according to Charles Grant director of the CER.
RTÉ News: Theresa May insists the UK will leave ECJ jurisdiction after Brexit
23 August 2017
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska talks to RTÉ news about court jurisdiction with the UK's withdrawal from the EU. (01.59)
Newsnight: The customs union
14 August 2017
Charles Grant speaks to Newsnight about the customs union, and what the UK is hoping to negotiate (from 5.05 mins).
Tok FM: Brexit - czy rząd brytyjski ma opracowaną strategię?
04 August 2017
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska talks to Tok FM about the UK government and if it has developed a Brexit strategy.
Voice of America: French military spending squeeze prompts top General's resignation
20 July 2017
Sophia Besch speaks to Henry Ridgwell as France's military head has resigned after a clash with President Emmanuel Macron over budget cuts.
Sky News: UK lacking in preparation for the Brexit negotiations
18 July 2017
Simon Tilford speaks with Sky's Ian Brady on the EU's frustration with Britain over its lack of preparation for the Brexit negotiations.
BBC Radio World at One: EU first
14 July 2017
Simon Tilford speaks to 'The World at One' about Emmanuel Macron and his priorities (from 15:27mins).
Tok FM: Rola instytucji europejskich w negocjacjach z Wielką Brytanią
06 July 2017
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska talks to Tok FM about her lateste CER publication 'Brexit maze: The role of EU institutions in the negotiations'.
Euronews: Falling pound, border fears and a frightened workforce
23 June 2017
Charles Grant speaks to Sophie Claudet of Euronews on the new proposal allowing EU citizens that have been living in the UK for five years to stay (from 08.45).
BBC Radio 4: Germany - Anxious Giant
12 June 2017
Sophia Besch talks to Radio 4 about the standing of the German army in Germany and its relationship with the public (from 02.30).