Marketplace: Angela Merkel's woes echo beyond Germany's borders
07 December 2017
John Springford of the Centre for European Reform said, given the political cloud still hanging over Merkel, she’s less likely to respond positively to Macron’s plan. “If she doesn’t have a stable coalition, it would be very difficult for her to give Macron very much at all,” he said (from 1 min 58).
Tok FM: Co dalej z porozumieniem w sprawie Brexitu?
06 December 2017
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska speaks to Tok FM about the Commission’s eurozone proposals and Brexit.
CNBC: Brexit divorce bill price won't be most difficult issue to solve
24 November 2017
How the UK government approaches the Irish border will be "much more difficult," Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform, told CNBC.
BBC Newsnight: German coalition talks collapse
20 November 2017
Sophia Besch, research fellow at the Centre for European Reform speaks to Newsnight about the collapse in the German coalition talks (from 03.05).
Channel 4 News: Michel Barnier
20 November 2017
Michel Barnier speaking at the Centre for European Reform conference in Brussels (from 23.25 mins).
Voice of America: EU signs historic defence pact as Brexit, Trump drive bloc to co-operate
14 November 2017
Three years later, Russia’s invasion of Crimea persuaded many European leaders of the need for closer defence.
Deutsche Welle: Inside Europe: A call to relaunch and reform the European Union
10 November 2017
The European Union is currently grappling with a number of challenges from migration to Brexit. Amidst that backdrop, the Centre for European Reform or CER think-tank, has just issued a blue-print for change called ‘Relaunching the EU’. So what are its key proposals? Charles Grant is director of the CER.
BBC Radio 4: Brexit a guide for the perplexed
06 November 2017
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska speaks to BBC Radio 4 about UK's sovereignty post-Brexit.
Marketplace: Brexit: Let's call the whole thing off?
02 November 2017
Is Britain having second thoughts about Brexit? And if it fails to secure a satisfactory exit deal, could it call the whole thing off? “I think it’s possible but unlikely,” said John Springford of the pro-Europe Centre for European Reform. “If we were going to reverse Brexit without a huge backlash, there would have to be quite a significant shift in public opinion. But we’ve had lots and lots of opinion polls, and they all produce a similar result as last year’s referendum: about fifty-fifty,” Springford said.
BBC Radio 4: Europe Unbound
31 October 2017
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform speaks to Edward Stourton about how the European Union might change after Britain leaves. "The wind is back in Europe's sails", according to European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker.
NUPI: Brexit and implications for the EU, EEA and Norway
30 October 2017
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska of the CER spoke on Brexit and the British perspective’, whilst René Repasi (University of Rotterdam), Christophe Hillion (UIO/NUPI), Baldur Thorhallsson (University of Iceland), Niels Engelshiøn (MFA) spoke about Norway, Iceland and the EU.
BBC Radio 4: Profile of Martin Selmayr
22 October 2017
Charles Grant speaks to Radio 4 about Martin Selmayr (from 10.40 mins) and how Selmayr is committed to a more integrated Europe.
France 24: Much more work to be done after Brexit summit
21 October 2017
“Officials I talk to, in both the UK government and the European Commission, are fairly optimistic that in December the EU will declare that sufficient progress has been made [to move onto phase two]," said Charles Grant, an analyst at the Centre for European Reform in London, in an interview with FRANCE 24. “But of course that is not certain," he added.
LSE public lecture: Hard Brexit, soft Brexit, no Brexit?
19 October 2017
2016 was unquestionably a year of political and economic shocks with Brexit and the election of President Trump. The UK elections in June 2017 created further difficulties for the Brexit negotiations with the Conservative and Democratic Unionist party agreement which left the Brexit process in uncertain territory.
BBC News at six: Theresa May visits Brussels
16 October 2017
John Springford speaks to BBC News about the Brexit negotiations (from 10.30 mins).
Piqd: Armes Deutschland – 15 Jahre Hartz IV
13 October 2017
Christian Odendahl ist Chefökonom des Londoner Centre for European Reform (CER) und als solcher schreibt und denkt er zu europäischen Wirtschaftsfragen: Eurokrise, Banken, Wachstum, Handel, politische Ökonomie. In seinem Policy Brief “The Hartz Myth: A closer look at Germany’s labour market reforms” hat er untersucht, was die ökonomischen Umstände der Reformen waren.
BBC World at One: Germany has economic interests in Brexit
09 October 2017
Sophia Besch speaks to the BBC World at One about the Brexit negotiations (from 12.00 mins).
Marketplace: Will Merkel go along with Macron's EU reform plan?
09 October 2017
Christian Odendahl of the Centre for European Reform in Berlin said the new coalition government will tread carefully and try not to upset the new French president.
Tok FM: Po "kaszlącym" przemówieniu Theresy May
06 October 2017
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska talks to Tok FM about Theresa May's ‘coughing’ speech at the Conservative party annual conference.
Sky News: Merkel admits 'challenge' of AfD winning seats in parliament
25 September 2017
Christian Odendahl speaks to Sky News on the results of the German electioins (from 02.50 mins)