
The Spectator Podcast: Theresa May's Brexit deal is hard to stomach

08 November 2018
As Theresa May prepares to unveil her Brexit deal, we ask: just how bad is it, and what happened to ‘no deal is better than a bad deal’. In the American midterms, the Blue Wave didn’t happen, but Democrats did take control of the House of Representatives – what next for Trump’s presidency. And last, as we approach Remembrance Sunday, who are the lives we are remembering, and is it time to move on. With James Forsyth, Charles Grant, Kate Andrews, Leslie Vinjamuri, Liz Hunt, and Glyn Prysor.

ETV: "Välisilm": Merkeli taandumine võib jätta Brüsseli mõneks ajaks toppama

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
05 November 2018
Mõttekoja CER analüütik Agata Gostynska-Jakubowska vaatas asja lihtsamalt: praeguse seisuga Angela Merkel jääb, ta tuleb jätkuvalt Euroopa ülemkogudele, ta jätkab Euroopa riigijuhtidega lepete sõlmimist.

Polskie Radio 24: Szczyt UE bez przełomu w sprawie Brexitu

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
19 October 2018
Unia Europejska zgodzi się na wydłużony okres przejściowy po Brexicie, jeśli zechce tego Wielka Brytania - tak deklarowali szefowie unijnych instytucji na zakończenie szczytu w Brukseli. - Stawka jest wysoka, bo parlament brytyjski może zagłosować przeciwko umowie o wyjściu i deklaracji do niej dołączonej – mówiła w "Magazynie europejskim” Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, ekspertka z Centre for European Reform w Londynie.

Een Vandaag: Waarom blijven zoveel Britten de brexit steunen

13 October 2018
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, speaks to Een Vandaag about why so many Brits continue to support Brexit.

The Guardian - Politics Weekly podcast: The Irish border, SNP conference and emotions in politics

11 October 2018
Heather Stewart is joined by Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, Katy Hayward and Lisa O’Carroll to discuss one of the toughest issues yet to be resolved in the Brexit negotiations: the Irish border.

SIEPS: Brexit – state of play

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
05 October 2018
As the date for the United Kingdom formally leaving the European Union approaches, negotiations are at a critical stage. There is urgency on both sides to agree on the conditions for the UK leaving the union, as well as on the nature of the future relationship between the two.

Hungary's Orban warms to Putin over nuclear deal

18 September 2018
Orban's visit to Moscow was primarily about economic ties, said Ian Bond of the London-based Centre for European Reform.

BBC Victoria Derbyshire: Russia poisoning investigation

14 September 2018
Ian Bond, director of foreign policy a the Centre for European Reform, spoke on the Victoria Derbyshire show about the enormous amount of propaganda in Russia. “One of the aims of this [interview] is to cause a certain amount of confusion,” Ian said.

Monocle podcast: The Globalist - Whispers of a comeback

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
13 September 2018
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska a senior research felow at the Centre for European Reform spoke to the Monocle about Junckers' State of Union address and Hungary (from 02:55 mins).

Sky News: Brexit warning

Sam Lowe
11 September 2018
Sam Lowe tells Sky News that the latest Brexit paper published on September 11th  by the Economists for Free Trade group is "embarrassing" and "full of contradictions."

BBC Radio Wiltshire: Salisbury poisoning - Russian nationals suspects

06 September 2018
Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform speaks to Ben Prater on BBC Radio Wilsthsire about the Salisbury Novichok poisoning and the news that Russian nationals have been named as suspects (from 1:05 mins). 

BBC 5 Live: Russian suspects in Skripal novichok attack

06 September 2018
Looking ahead to the United Nations Security Council meeting after the UK named two Russian suspects in the Skripal novichok attack, Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the CER tells BBC Radio 5 live (from 11.15) “The Russians will be throwing up smoke – and this is pretty characteristic of the way they respond when they’re caught out …It will be interesting to see what the Russians have to say. In the past these have been quite scratchy exchanges in the Security Council as the Russians essentially try to muddy the picture for those trying to understand what happened.”

BBC World: Novichok investigation

05 September 2018
Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform spoke to BBC World about the Salisbury Novichok investigation.

LBC: UK's post-Brexit trade with South Africa

Sam Lowe
29 August 2018
Sam Lowe a senior research fellow at the CER spoke to James O'Brien about the UK's post-Brexit trade with South Africa, and how to maintain the supply chain to function as it does currently (from 1:50 mins).

BBC News at 10: UK trade with Africa

Sam Lowe
28 August 2018
Sam Lowe a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform spoke to BBC News on British trade with Africa after Brexit.

RTS: Grande-Bretagne: Les anti-Brexit demandent un nouveau référendum

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
24 August 2018
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform spoke to the RTS about the call for a second referendum (from 1:25 mins).

Vice News: Theresa May heads to France as Brexit talks go south

09 August 2018
“Michel Barnier has had a very tough line and he's taking his directions from France and Germany, and Theresa May's plan is to try and undercut the European Commission,” says John Springford, a Brexit expert at the Centre of European Reform.

The Spectator podcast: China's new diplomacy

02 August 2018
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, spoke to The Spectator Podcast about the 'WTO option' and the likelihood of a no deal (from 16:45mins). 
“I think the chances of no deal are higher than they were. I still think it is more likely than not that there will be...

Euronews: Does Trump want to strike trade deal with EU's Juncker?

Sam Lowe
24 July 2018
"I think Trump isn't looking to make a deal," Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, told Euronews (from 0:20 mins).

Brussels sprouts: Sophia Besch talks German politics, defence, and US-German relations

Sophia Besch
23 July 2018
Sophia Besch of the Centre for European Reform joins Jim Townsend to discuss the shifting internal dynamics in Germany and what they mean for US-German relations, defence spending, and how President Trump is changing things.