What is Nexit? Will the Netherlands leave the EU next?
Rem Korteweg, senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, said Mr Wilders’ party has a fair chance of becoming the biggest party in the election.
But Mr Korteweg said: “Even if it becomes the largest party, it doesn’t mean he is going to be able to form a government. It is quite unlikely that he will able be able to form a government.”...
...But Mr Korteweg said that the law stipulates that such referenda can only be held over “new pieces of legislation”, not EU membership.
He said that a referendum could be held over issues such as the EU’s TTIP deal with the US, the Canadian trade deal or measures over migration...
...But Mr Korteweg said: “Even if we were to have a referendum on EU membership in the Netherlands, Wilders would probably lose it.
“As a matter of principle, the majority still thinks that being a member of the EU makes economic sense.”
He said Dutch Eurosceptics had hailed the Brexit victory as the “beginning of the end of the EU” and said the Netherlands should follow suit.
But he said that the government and “more moderate voices in Dutch society” were alarmed because the Netherlands relies on the EU’s single market.