Theresa May could be ousted by her own MPs if she goes for hard Brexit

Press quote (Huffington Post)
Simon Tilford
09 June 2017

The Centre for European Reform (CER) warned the Prime Minister would now have to take into account the views of pro-Europeans in her party during Brexit negotiations – or face a vote of no confidence.

...Simon Tilford, deputy director of CER, rejected the [that a hard Brexit is now more likely] analysis, and said: “I think that assumes Theresa May could - with no majority in the Commons - walk away from the negotiations. “I think there will be a vote of no confidence if she does that.” Tilford believes that in order to appease the pro-Europeans in her party, May may have to perform u-turns on previously stated negotiating goals. He said: “I think the possibility of staying in the customs union could increase. “Whether it could eventually mean Britain not leaving the EU at all its too early to tell. If we see another election and the Labour Party feels able to campaign on an wholly anti-Brexit platform, then there is an outside chance.”