Conference on 'Brexit and the economics of populism'

04 November 2016 to 05 November 2016
Ditchley Park
Speakers included John Kerr, David Willetts, Nicholas Crafts, Barry Eichengreen, Megan Greene, John Kay, Lorenzo Codogno, Tony Yates, Beatrice Weder di Mauro, Martin Wolf, Martin Hellwig, Swati Dhingra, Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Paul Tucker, Claire Waysand, Marcel Fratzscher, Ryan Avent, Jean Pisani-Ferry, Shahin Vallée, Christian Dustmann, Martin Sandbu and Jeromin Zettelmeyer

Lunch discussion on the eurozone

19 October 2016
With Markus Brunnermeier and Harold James

CER/EDAM 12th Bodrum Roundtable

07 October 2016 to 09 October 2016
Speakers included Jean-Christophe Belliard, Lütfi Elvan, Espen Barth Eide, Gilles de Kerchove, Alexander Graf Lambsdorf and Ahmet Yıldız

CER/Open Europe fringe event at the Conservative party conference: ‘Testing the limits of the post-Brexit Deal’

03 October 2016
Speakers included Raoul Ruparel, Dominic Raab and Detlef Seif

CER/Open Europe fringe event at the Labour party conference: 'Testing the limits of the post-Brexit deal'

27 September 2016
Speakers included Liam Byrne, Charles Grant and Axel Schäfer

CER/DIW dinner on 'The impact of Brexit on Britain and the EU'

19 September 2016
With Sir Jon Cunliffe and Marcel Fratzscher

CER/Kreab breakfast on 'Protecting tax bases to ensure fair taxation'

16 September 2016
With Stephen Quest

Roundtable on 'Brexit and the future of the EU'

09 September 2016
With Emmanuel Macron