Roundtable on 'The role of China and India in the new world order' event thumbnail

Roundtable on 'The role of China and India in the new world order'

06 November 2008
With Rajendra Jain, professor at the Centre for European Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University in Delhi & Feng Zhongping, professor and director of the Institute of European Studies at the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations.
Breakfast meeting on 'Britain's place in Europe' event thumbnail

Breakfast meeting on 'Britain's place in Europe'

06 November 2008
With Mark Francois MP, shadow minister for Europe.
CER/IPPR roundtable on 'EU mobility and migration policy' event thumbnail

CER/IPPR roundtable on 'EU mobility and migration policy'

04 November 2008
With Vladimir Spidla, European commissioner for employment, social affairs and equal opportunities.
Roundtable on Bosnia event thumbnail

Roundtable on Bosnia

03 November 2008
With Lord Ashdown and Miroslav Lajcak.
Dinner on European defence event thumbnail

Dinner on European defence

14 October 2008
With Liam Fox MP, shadow defence minister and Lord Guthrie, Rothschild & Sons.
CER/British Council/Tesev 5th Bosphorus conference event thumbnail

CER/British Council/Tesev 5th Bosphorus conference

10 October 2008 to 11 October 2008
Speakers included: Baroness Ashton, EU high representative, Carl Bildt, Swedish foreign minister, Ali Babacan, Olli Rehn, European commissioner for enlargement and Baroness Neville-Jones, shadow security minister.
Breakfast meeting on defence  event thumbnail

Breakfast meeting on defence

08 October 2008
With Lord Robertson, former secretary-general, NATO.
Roundtable on 'Russia, the EU and their common neighbourhood' event thumbnail

Roundtable on 'Russia, the EU and their common neighbourhood'

07 October 2008
With Carl Bildt, Swedish foreign minister.
Dinner on 'The future of EU financial services regulation and supervision post the credit crunch' event thumbnail

Dinner on 'The future of EU financial services regulation and supervision post the credit crunch'

01 October 2008
With Charlie McCreevy, European commissioner for internal market and services.
CER/Policy Network fringe meeting on 'The world in 2020: what role should Europe play?' event thumbnail

CER/Policy Network fringe meeting on 'The world in 2020: what role should Europe play?'

21 September 2008
Speakers included: Urban Ahlin, Swedish social democrat party & Jim Murphy MP.