Breakfast on 'Britain and the World Trade Organisation' with Julian Braithwaite, UK Permanent Representative to the WTO

Breakfast on 'Britain and the World Trade Organisation'

09 February 2017
With Julian Braithwaite
Dinner on 'Making a success of the EU's security union' with Julian King, European Commission

Dinner on 'Making a success of the EU's security union'

01 February 2017
With Julian King

CER/Kreab breakfast on 'A plan for Europe's neighbourhood'

30 January 2017
With Johannes Hahn

Dinner on 'What future for Europol?'

24 January 2017
With Rob Wainwright
Breakfast on 'Article 50 and the best possible deal on Brexit' with Keir Starmer

Breakfast on 'Article 50 and the best possible deal on Brexit'

11 January 2017
With Keir Starmer

Lunch on 'Whither the Russian economy?'

15 December 2016
With Sergei Guriev
Panel discussion on 'Views from the EU-27: Paths to pursuing Brexit'

Panel discussion on 'Views from the EU-27: Paths to pursuing Brexit'

12 December 2016
With Stephen Wall, Henry Foy, Vivien Pertusot and Daniela Schwarzer

Roundtable on 'The Norwegian, Swiss, Canadian and WTO options: Lessons for the UK'

24 November 2016
With Michael Ambühl, Miriam González-Durantez, Wolfgang Münchau and Ulf Sverdrup