22nd birthday party, Brussels

22nd birthday party, Brussels

04 February 2020
With a keynote speech by Phil Hogan, European Commissioner for Trade

CER/AIG breakfast on 'What role for Europe in the Middle East?'

28 January 2020
With Dina Fakoussa and Michael Ohnmacht

CER/SIEPS panel on 'The rule of law: Democracy's bastion, or its nemesis?'

27 January 2020
With Hans Dahlgren and Didier Reynders

CER/DGAP webtalk on 'Brexit: What next in the relations between the EU and the UK?'

23 January 2020
With Charles Grant, Director, Centre for European Reform

CER/KAS workshop on 'European autonomy and transatlantic divergence'

17 December 2019
Speakers included: Paul Johnston, Arnout Molenaar and Rachel Ellehuus
World map

Daimler US European Forum on Global Issues, 12-13 December 2019

12 December 2019
Speakers included: David Feith, Sebastian Groth, Robert Karem, Manuel Lafont Rapnouil, Jens Plötner and Philip Reeker

Conference on 'Five challenges for Europe'

15 November 2019 to 16 November 2019
Ditchley Park
Speakers included: Barry Eichengreen, Pier Carlo Padoan, Hélène Rey and Daniela Schwarzer

Dinner on 'The Banking Union in 2019: Supervisory priorities and economic risks'

30 October 2019
With Andrea Enria, Chair of the Supervisory Board, European Central Bank

CER/Clifford Chance launch of 'The capital markets union: Should the EU shut out the City of London?'

17 October 2019
With Christian Ebeke, Jonathan Faull and Judith Hardt

CER/EDAM 15th Bodrum Roundtable

04 October 2019 to 06 October 2019