CER/IMF seminar on 'A greener labour market: Employment, policies, and economic transformation'
A seminar co-organised by the CER and International Monetary Fund on Chapter 3 of the IMF's Spring 2022 World Economic Outlook, "A greener labour market: Employment, policies, and economic transformation", which analyses the labour market implications of the green transition.
To mitigate global warming and keep the average global temperature rise to well below 2 degrees Celsius, the world must reduce net greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2050. The policies to spur the green economic transformation needed to achieve this goal will also entail a transformation of the labour market. Aiming to better understand these employment changes, the WEO's chapter examines the following questions: what are the environmental properties of jobs and how are they currently distributed in the labour market? How easily do workers transition into greener jobs? And what policies can encourage the green transformation and ease workers’ transitions into such jobs?
Niels-Jakob Hansen, WEO economist and co-author of the chapter, discussed the IMF's findings with John Springford, Deputy Director of the CER.