Dinner on 'A European pathway to a low carbon future'
22 July 2010
With The Rt Hon Chris Huhne MP, secretary of state for energy & climate change.

CER/Interel breakfast on EU competition policy
09 July 2010
With Alexander Italianer, director general for competition, European Commission

Debate on 'How can confidence within the eurozone be restored?'
21 June 2010
With Jürgen Stark, ECB and Martin Wolf, FT.

CER/Interel breakfast on EU energy policy
18 June 2010
With Philip Lowe, director general for energy, European Commission

CER/ECFR seminar on 'Europe's crisis, Britain's challenge?'
15 June 2010
Speakers included: Joschka Fischer, Lord Howell, George Soros.

CER/Interel breakfast on 'EU-Russia relations'
09 June 2010
With Vladimir Chizhov, Russian permanent representative to the EU.

Breakfast to launch the Monti report on the future of the single market'
08 June 2010
With Mario Monti, president of Bocconi University & former European commissioner.

4th Stockholm seminar on 'The future of EU foreign policy'
06 June 2010 to 07 June 2010
In partnership with DemosEuropa, Embassy of the Republic of Poland, Sweden, The German Marshall Fund of the United States & The Swedish Parliament.
Speakers included: Hans Blix, Mikolaj Dowgielewicz, Carl Hallergard, Christian Leffler, Hryhoriy Nemyria.
Speakers included: Hans Blix, Mikolaj Dowgielewicz, Carl Hallergard, Christian Leffler, Hryhoriy Nemyria.

Launch of 'Can the EU be more effective in Afghanistan?'
13 May 2010
With Joanna Buckley, Francesc Vendrell, Sherard Cowper-Coles.

Daimler forum on 'World order and global issues'
29 April 2010 to 30 April 2010
Speakers included: Carl Bildt, William Burns, Anne-Marie Slaughter, Jim Steinberg.