Stephen Tindale

Stephen Tindale

Obituary 1963–2017

Brussels is needed to clean up Britain’s air

The ENDS Report
06 August 2014
European co-operation is necessary to improve air quality. Pollution does not stop at national frontiers. And setting environmental standards at national level would undermine the single market.

Time for Labour to lead on clean air

Fabian Society
11 July 2014
Air pollution kills 29,000 people every year in the UK, according to Public Health England. So clean air ought to be a political priority. But it isn’t.
Fortunately, those nasty Brussels bureaucrats are trying to protect public health. In December 2013 the European Commission proposed stricter air quality standards, based...

Be shrewd and end this EU feud

The Sunday Express
24 June 2014
The current president of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso, leaves office in November. Who should replace him? As always in EU discussions, this had led to arguments about content (which individual?) and about process (who should decide?).

Pour une mise à jour du récit européen

Le Temps
14 May 2014
Stephen Tindale, membre du Centre for European Reform basé à Londres, un think tank pro-européen mais critique, donne des pistes pour redonner du souffle au projet européen, miné par la crise et la perte de confiance

Clean up act

The Economist Intelligence Unit
14 May 2014
All clean energy sources are needed to limit global warming, argues Stephen Tindale, associate fellow at the Centre for European Reform.

An independent UK could become dirty man of Europe again

Environmental Health News
07 May 2014
Polls predicts fervently anti-EU parties, such as the UK Independence Party, will make significant inroads in this month's European elections. And if David Cameron wins the next general election, he has pledged to hold an in/out referendum on the EU. However Stephen Tindale, associate fellow at the Centre for European Reform, argues indepdence would put at risk all the environmental and health benefits that flow from EU membership.

Why we should support nuclear power

08 April 2014
The UK should continue to use nuclear power, in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, writes Stephen Tindale. It should also test new nuclear technologies that can burn plutonium, such as the PRISM reactor, and develop molten salt reactors.

What can we do about smog in the UK?

Fabian Society
03 April 2014
The smog in much of the UK at present is not as visible as the infamous 1950s smogs, and may not be quite as dangerous. But it is not safe. The 50s smogs were vanquished by a Conservative government banning coal burning in homes and moving coal power stations away...

The EU debate: How should Labour respond?

Progress online
27 March 2014
Well done Nick Clegg. Not for winning – it is hard to debate with someone who regards the truth as just one option – but for taking part. And for the radical strategy of making the European elections about Europe.
How should Labour’s leaders respond? Ed Miliband is firmly pro-European. He...

Miliband, Merkel and the f-word

Progress online
27 February 2014
What should Ed Miliband discuss in his meeting with Europe’s most powerful and successful politician, German chancellor Angela Merkel? The economy will rightly be top of the agenda.