John Springford

John Springford

Associate fellow
Areas of expertise 

Britain and Europe, migration and labour markets, the single market and supply side reform, international trade, the euro, fiscal and monetary policy.


Channel 4 News: UK will stay in EU 'longer than two-year transition'

05 February 2018
John Springford, deputy director of the Centre for European Reform, warned Britain may not have a clean break from the EU.

CER Bulletin podcast: Trade post Brexit; EU vs Poland; Trump's foreign policy

24 January 2018
In the CER Bulletin podcast, CER researchers brief podcast listeners on three of the most important topics for Europe this month.

Because of Thatcherism, we can't get a good Brexit trade deal – here's why

The Independent
15 January 2018
The UK's approach to deregulation led to a bout of economic restructuring that now makes it difficult for Britain to impose its will on the rest of the world, let alone Europe.

Brace yourself for the next Brexit faultline: The battle over transition

The Guardian
18 December 2017
Will Theresa May be able to convince her party of the necessity for a transition period, during which the UK obeys EU rules without having any say in them?

Marketplace: Angela Merkel's woes echo beyond Germany's borders

07 December 2017
John Springford of the Centre for European Reform said, given the political cloud still hanging over Merkel, she’s less likely to respond positively to Macron’s plan. “If she doesn’t have a stable coalition, it would be very difficult for her to give Macron very much at all,” he said (from 1 min 58).

Populismo: ¿cultura o economía?

10 November 2017
¿Son los factores económicos los culpables del ascenso del populismo o se trata de una reacción cultural? La respuesta es una mezcla de ambos.

CER podcasts: Relaunching the EU

08 November 2017
The CER has launched a major new report ‘Relaunching the EU’. In this podcast mini-series, CER researchers explain some of the reports main recommendations.

Marketplace: Brexit: Let's call the whole thing off?

02 November 2017
Is Britain having second thoughts about Brexit? And if it fails to secure a satisfactory exit deal, could it call the whole thing off? “I think it’s possible but unlikely,” said John Springford of the pro-Europe Centre for European Reform. “If we were going to reverse Brexit without a huge backlash, there would have to be quite a significant shift in public opinion. But we’ve had lots and lots of opinion polls, and they all produce a similar result as last year’s referendum: about fifty-fifty,” Springford said.

BBC News at six: Theresa May visits Brussels

16 October 2017
John Springford speaks to BBC News about the Brexit negotiations (from 10.30 mins).

Channel 4 News: The Brexit bill

21 September 2017
John Springford director of research at the Centre for European Reform speaks to Channel 4 News about the Brexit bill in advance of Theresa May's speech in Florence  (from 21:10 mins).