Ian Bond

Ian Bond

Deputy director
Areas of expertise 

Russia and the former Soviet Union, European foreign policy, Europe/Asia relations, US foreign policy.


CER podcast: CER researchers discuss the 60th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome

24 March 2017
CER researchers discuss the 60th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome. The EU has a great past, but what will its leaders do about its many challenges in the future?

Between Russia and the EU, Eastern Europe's future is uncertain

The Moscow Times
22 March 2017
Eastern Europe, dotted with frozen conflicts of Russia’s making, is stuck in transition to an uncertain future.

Užsienio diplomato kirtis: nelaikykite rusų milžinais, o lietuvių nykštukais

13 January 2017
Situacija Europos Rytuose pamažu karštėja. Auga Lietuvos išlaidos gynybai, žiniasklaidoje plinta netikros naujienos ir propaganda, o šalies lyderiai tautiečius gąsdina pasisakymais apie kaip niekada didelį Lietuvos pažeidžiamumą. O kaip visa tai atrodo stebėtojui iš šalies – ar tikrai esame pajėgūs apsiginti ir kada sulauksime didžiosios Rytų kaimynės griūties?
Į kasmet Užsienio...

Judy Asks: Can Europe defeat Russian disinformation?

Carnegie Europe
11 January 2017
You cannot defeat disinformation: it is a tactic, not an enemy in its own right. But Europe can counter it, and do so more effectively.

CER podcast: CER researchers review the year 2016

21 December 2016
Charles Grant, Simon Tilford and Ian Bond review the political themes and events that shaped 2016.

Share Radio: Ian Bond on the Berlin attacks

20 December 2016
Ian Bond is director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform, and joined Share Radio's Juliette Foster on the line for more on these stories.

The Briefing, Monocle: Ian Bond on the shooting in Turkey

20 December 2016
Ian Bond on the shooting in Russia, and how this will affect Russia Turkey relations.

The way forward for the west? Help China and wave the rulebook at Russia

The Guardian
08 December 2016
Russia and China are often bracketed together as the west’s most important adversaries. They have grown closer since Russia’s relations with the west soured after the annexation of Crimea.

CER podcast: What the US elections and Brexit mean for US-EU relations

07 November 2016
CER researchers discuss the impact of the UK’s vote to leave the EU on transatlantic relations and how the future US president will approach Europe.

Putin's Cold War hots up

The Sun
29 October 2016
NATO believes that Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has amassed 330,000 troops along the border to the EU and its allies.