{smcl} {com}{sf}{ul off}{txt}{.-} name: {res} {txt}log: {res}C:\Users\John\Documents\Stata log for cost of Brexit.smcl {txt}log type: {res}smcl {txt}opened on: {res}21 Jun 2018, 13:47:09 {com}. net from "https://web.stanford.edu/~jhain/Synth" {txt}{.-} https://web.stanford.edu/~jhain/Synth/ {hilite:Synthetic Control Methods for Comparative Case Studies} {.-} Alberto Abadie, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University and NBER Jens Hainmueller, Department of Political Science, MIT Alexis Diamond, IFC Also see the homepage for the paper that describes the method. PACKAGES you could -{hilite:net describe}-: {p2colset 5 23 25 2}{...} {p2col :{net describe synth:synth}}Synthetic Control Methods{p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {.-} {com}. net install synth, all replace force checking {hilite:synth} consistency and verifying not already installed... the following files will be replaced: {hilite:c:\ado\plus\s\synth.ado} {hilite:c:\ado\plus\s\synth_ll.ado} {hilite:c:\ado\plus\l\lsynth_mata_subr.mlib} {hilite:c:\ado\plus\s\synth.sthlp} {hilite:smoking.dta} {hilite:c:\ado\plus\s\synthopt.plugin} installing into c:\ado\plus\... installation complete. copying into {hilite:current directory}... copying {hilite:smoking.dta} ancillary files successfully copied. . import excel "C:\Users\John\Documents\Input data - cost of Brexit.xlsx", sheet("Sheet1") firstrow {res} {com}. encode country, gen(ncountry) . tsset ncountry dateid {res}{txt}{col 8}panel variable: {res}ncountry (strongly balanced) {txt}{col 9}time variable: {res}{col 25}dateid, 1 to 93 {txt}{col 17}delta: {res}1 unit {com}. . synth realgdp consumption investment realgdp(1) realgdp(2) realgdp(3) realgdp(4) realgdp(5) realgdp(6) realgdp(7) realgdp(8) realgdp(9) realgdp(10) realgdp(11) realgdp(12) realgdp(13) realgdp(14) realgdp(15) realgdp(16) realgdp(17) realgdp(18) realgdp(19) realgdp(20) realgdp(21) realgdp(22) realgdp(23 ) realgdp(24) realgdp(25) realgdp(26) realgdp(27) realgdp(28) realgdp(29) realgdp(30) realgdp(31) realgdp(32) realgdp(33) realgdp(34) realgdp(35) realgdp(36) realgdp(37) realgdp(38) realgdp(39) realgdp(40) realgdp(41) realgdp(42) realgdp(43) realgdp(44) realgdp(45) realgdp(46) realgdp(47) realgdp(48) realgdp(49) realgdp(50) realgdp(51) realgdp(52) realgdp(53) realgdp(54) realgdp(55) realgdp(56) realgdp(57) realgdp(58) realgdp(59) realgdp(60) realgdp(61) realgdp(62) realgdp(63) realgdp(64) realgdp(65) realgdp(66) realgdp(67) realgdp(68) realgdp(69) realgdp(70) realgdp(71) realgdp(71) realgdp(73) realgdp(74) realgdp(75) realgdp(76) realgdp(77) realgdp(78) realgdp(79) realgdp(80) realgdp(81) realgdp(82) realgdp(83) realgdp(84) realgdp(85) realgdp(86), trunit(35) trperiod(87) keep(resultscostofbrexit) xperiod(1(1)86) nested fig {txt}{hline} {res}Synthetic Control Method for Comparative Case Studies {txt}{hline} {res}First Step: Data Setup {txt}{hline} {hline} Data Setup successful {hline} {txt}{p 16 28 0} Treated Unit: {res}United Kingdom {p_end} {txt}{p 15 30 0} Control Units: {res}Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United States {p_end} {txt}{hline} {txt}{p 10 30 0} Dependent Variable: {res}realgdp {p_end} {txt}{p 2 30 0} MSPE minimized for periods: {res}1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86{p_end} {txt}{p 0 30 0} Results obtained for periods: {res}1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93{p_end} {txt}{hline} {txt}{p 18 30 0} Predictors:{res} consumption investment realgdp(1) realgdp(2) realgdp(3) realgdp(4) realgdp(5) realgdp(6) realgdp(7) realgdp(8) realgdp(9) realgdp(10) realgdp(11) realgdp(12) realgdp(13) realgdp(14) realgdp(15) realgdp(16) realgdp(17) realgdp(18) realgdp(19) realgdp(20) realgdp(21) realgdp(22) realgdp(23) realgdp(24) realgdp(25) realgdp(26) realgdp(27) realgdp(28) realgdp(29) realgdp(30) realgdp(31) realgdp(32) realgdp(33) realgdp(34) realgdp(35) realgdp(36) realgdp(37) realgdp(38) realgdp(39) realgdp(40) realgdp(41) realgdp(42) realgdp(43) realgdp(44) realgdp(45) realgdp(46) realgdp(47) realgdp(48) realgdp(49) realgdp(50) realgdp(51) realgdp(52) realgdp(53) realgdp(54) realgdp(55) realgdp(56) realgdp(57) realgdp(58) realgdp(59) realgdp(60) realgdp(61) realgdp(62) realgdp(63) realgdp(64) realgdp(65) realgdp(66) realgdp(67) realgdp(68) realgdp(69) realgdp(70) realgdp(71) realgdp(71) realgdp(73) realgdp(74) realgdp(75) realgdp(76) realgdp(77) realgdp(78) realgdp(79) realgdp(80) realgdp(81) realgdp(82) realgdp(83) realgdp(84) realgdp(85) realgdp(86){p_end} {txt}{hline} {txt}{p 0 30 0} Unless period is specified {p_end} {txt}{p 0 30 0} predictors are averaged over: {res}1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86{p_end} {txt}{hline} {res}Second Step: Run Optimization {txt}{hline} {res}{txt}{p 0 30 0} Nested optimization requested {p_end} {txt}{p 0 30 0} Starting nested optimization module {p_end} {txt}{p 0 30 0} Optimization done {p_end} {res}{txt}{hline} {res}Optimization done {txt}{hline} {res}Third Step: Obtain Results {txt}{hline} {res}Loss: Root Mean Squared Prediction Error {txt}{space 0}{hline 9}{c TT}{hline 11} {space 0}{space 0}{ralign 8:RMSPE}{space 1}{c |}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: .5345223}}}{space 1} {space 0}{hline 9}{c BT}{hline 11} {hline} {res}Unit Weights: {txt}{hline 16}{c TT}{hline 12} Co_No {c |} Unit_Weight {hline 16}{c +}{hline 12} Australia {c |} {res}0 {txt}Austria {c |} {res}0 {txt}Belgium {c |} {res}0 {txt}Canada {c |} {res}.155 {txt}Chile {c |} {res}0 {txt}Czech Republic {c |} {res}0 {txt}Denmark {c |} {res}.037 {txt}Estonia {c |} {res}0 {txt}Finland {c |} {res}0 {txt}France {c |} {res}0 {txt}Germany {c |} {res}0 {txt}Greece {c |} {res}0 {txt}Hungary {c |} {res}.231 {txt}Iceland {c |} {res}0 {txt}Ireland {c |} {res}.042 {txt}Israel {c |} {res}0 {txt}Italy {c |} {res}.026 {txt}Japan {c |} {res}.203 {txt}Korea {c |} {res}0 {txt}Latvia {c |} {res}0 {txt}Lithuania {c |} {res}0 {txt}Luxembourg {c |} {res}0 {txt}Mexico {c |} {res}0 {txt}Netherlands {c |} {res}0 {txt}New Zealand {c |} {res}0 {txt}Norway {c |} {res}.067 {txt}Poland {c |} {res}0 {txt}Portugal {c |} {res}0 {txt}Slovak Republic {c |} {res}0 {txt}Slovenia {c |} {res}0 {txt}South Africa {c |} {res}0 {txt}Spain {c |} {res}0 {txt}Sweden {c |} {res}0 {txt}Switzerland {c |} {res}0 {txt}United States {c |} {res}.24 {txt}{hline 16}{c BT}{hline 12} {hline} {res}Predictor Balance: {txt}{space 0}{hline 31}{c TT}{hline 11}{hline 11} {space 0}{space 0}{ralign 30:}{space 1}{c |}{space 1}{ralign 9:Treated}{space 1}{space 1}{ralign 9:Synthetic}{space 1} {space 0}{hline 31}{c +}{hline 11}{hline 11} {space 0}{space 0}{ralign 30:consumption}{space 1}{c |}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: 32.24791}}}{space 1}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: 27.87629}}}{space 1} {space 0}{space 0}{ralign 30:investment}{space 1}{c |}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: 19.06395}}}{space 1}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: 36.19533}}}{space 1} {space 0}{space 0}{ralign 30:realgdp(1)}{space 1}{c |}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: .335146}}}{space 1}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: .6095324}}}{space 1} {space 0}{space 0}{ralign 30:realgdp(2)}{space 1}{c |}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: .696116}}}{space 1}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: 1.022984}}}{space 1} {space 0}{space 0}{ralign 30:realgdp(3)}{space 1}{c |}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: 1.679714}}}{space 1}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: 1.790722}}}{space 1} {space 0}{space 0}{ralign 30:realgdp(4)}{space 1}{c |}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: 1.966058}}}{space 1}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: 2.182032}}}{space 1} {space 0}{space 0}{ralign 30:realgdp(5)}{space 1}{c |}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: 2.874696}}}{space 1}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: 2.790731}}}{space 1} {space 0}{space 0}{ralign 30:realgdp(6)}{space 1}{c |}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: 3.189935}}}{space 1}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: 3.652013}}}{space 1} {space 0}{space 0}{ralign 30:realgdp(7)}{space 1}{c |}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: 3.867651}}}{space 1}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: 4.259846}}}{space 1} {space 0}{space 0}{ralign 30:realgdp(8)}{space 1}{c |}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: 4.809377}}}{space 1}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: 5.118089}}}{space 1} {space 0}{space 0}{ralign 30:realgdp(9)}{space 1}{c |}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: 6.255201}}}{space 1}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: 6.185498}}}{space 1} {space 0}{space 0}{ralign 30:realgdp(10)}{space 1}{c |}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: 7.326945}}}{space 1}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: 7.225788}}}{space 1} {space 0}{space 0}{ralign 30:realgdp(11)}{space 1}{c |}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: 7.922841}}}{space 1}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: 8.094365}}}{space 1} {space 0}{space 0}{ralign 30:realgdp(12)}{space 1}{c |}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: 9.14881}}}{space 1}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: 8.881616}}}{space 1} {space 0}{space 0}{ralign 30:realgdp(13)}{space 1}{c |}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: 9.702185}}}{space 1}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: 9.542528}}}{space 1} {space 0}{space 0}{ralign 30:realgdp(14)}{space 1}{c |}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: 10.2883}}}{space 1}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: 10.1727}}}{space 1} {space 0}{space 0}{ralign 30:realgdp(15)}{space 1}{c |}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: 11.01975}}}{space 1}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: 10.97568}}}{space 1} {space 0}{space 0}{ralign 30:realgdp(16)}{space 1}{c |}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: 12.06169}}}{space 1}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: 11.7104}}}{space 1} {space 0}{space 0}{ralign 30:realgdp(17)}{space 1}{c |}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: 12.66336}}}{space 1}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: 12.34561}}}{space 1} {space 0}{space 0}{ralign 30:realgdp(18)}{space 1}{c |}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: 12.73285}}}{space 1}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: 13.04076}}}{space 1} {space 0}{space 0}{ralign 30:realgdp(19)}{space 1}{c |}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: 14.48738}}}{space 1}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: 14.47015}}}{space 1} {space 0}{space 0}{ralign 30:realgdp(20)}{space 1}{c |}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: 15.9029}}}{space 1}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: 15.66733}}}{space 1} {space 0}{space 0}{ralign 30:realgdp(21)}{space 1}{c |}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: 16.83516}}}{space 1}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: 16.77667}}}{space 1} {space 0}{space 0}{ralign 30:realgdp(22)}{space 1}{c |}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: 17.55387}}}{space 1}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: 17.77609}}}{space 1} {space 0}{space 0}{ralign 30:realgdp(23)}{space 1}{c |}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: 17.85008}}}{space 1}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: 18.37376}}}{space 1} {space 0}{space 0}{ralign 30:realgdp(24)}{space 1}{c |}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: 18.05978}}}{space 1}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: 19.22167}}}{space 1} {space 0}{space 0}{ralign 30:realgdp(25)}{space 1}{c |}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: 19.071}}}{space 1}{space 1}{ralign 9:{res:{sf: 19.6307}}}{space 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